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“These handwritings present a mixture of new materials that are all bonded in a search for a new creative path in Judaica art…she is undoubtedly one of the most central figures in this group of artists who illustrate and ornament Jewish handwritten texts
with great talent and incredible attention to detail "
" The judaica art of Shully Ratzon "
Prof. Shalom Sabar, Hebrew University
Esther Megillah - Middle Ages
Hyper eclectic
A design combining artistic styles of the Middle Ages, art Nuevo and based on Eastern motifs.
Height: 47 cm
Width: 6 parchments sheets
Handmade with acrylic paints
Written by a Sofer stam
" The compositions and wide range of illustrated themes display an incredibly unique
artistic vision and approach that differs from any other Megillah, both past and present…
it is without a doubt an innovative Megillah that presents a fresh and original
illustrations of the heroes of the book of Esther "
" The judaica art of Shully Ratzon " by Prof. Shalom Sabar, Hebrew University
Pirkei Avot, codex
Hyper eclectic in a figurative illustration style, combining a variety of decorative techniques such as paper cutting and classical realistic illustrations.
60 parchment pages, 38cm * 38cm
Handmade Papercutting
Oil paints and tempera colors
Gilded with 23 karat golden leaves
Wrapped in a leather cover with embedded ornaments,Illustration on Parchment and golden frame
" As a continuation for such a prestigious tradition, it is refreshing to see an artistic edition of
Pirkei Avot masterfully made by a contemporary artist who has invested the best of her efforts
and skills in this piece… every single page is individually ornamented and unique among
the rest, and there is great emphasis on narrative scenes in a realistic style, influenced by Neo classical style of the 19th century... "
" The judaica art of Shully Ratzon " by Prof. Shalom Sabar, Hebrew University
Shir Hashirim Megillah
rainbow colors
Hyper eclectic combining rococo style ornaments, development of color
in a post-modernist style resembling rainbow colors, hyper realistic illustrations of the landscapes of Jerusalem and decorative ornaments
all over the Megillah.
Height: 40 cm
Length: 3 Parchment sheets
Acrylic and tempera paints
Gilded with 23 karat golden leaves
Written by a Sofer stam.
Case : a pure silver cone filled with gold plated ornaments .
" The unique and rich frames are illustrated in great accuracy, talent and details which shows a great level of skill and command of lines, coloring,and ornamenting in mixed works "
" The judaica art of Shully Ratzon " by Prof. Shalom Sabar, Hebrew University
Shir Hashirim Megillah
Eclectic, Hyper realistic, impressionist landscapes. Made in a decorative style as a semitransparent lace curtain. The design of the piece makes use of parchment as a part of the aesthetic of the illustration,
and is a reminder of Nuevo art.
Height: 38cm
Length: 3 parchments sheets
Handmade with tempera paints
Written by a Sofer stam
" The work in these parts who required cautious planing and execution is stunningly accurate
, perfectly symmetrical and consists of rhythmically repeated motives
in a highly impressive manner…
reading and looking at this unique Megillah will providea profound experience
for the reader without a doubt "
" The judaica art of Shully Ratzon " by Prof. Shalom Sabar, Hebrew University
Esther scroll - Baroque
A baroque style version of the esther scroll
Beautiful and colorful realistic paintings
representing scenes from the megillah
with baroque-style ornamenting
through all the megillah .
Height: 55 cm
Length: 6 parchments sheets
Handmade with tempera paints
Written by a Sofer stam
"...A variety of golden ornaments are visually enhancing every column.
These ornaments are incredibly delicate and gentle.."
" The judaica art of Shully Ratzon " by Prof. Shalom Sabar, Hebrew University
Custom made art work
Lively illustrations, impressive colorfulness
and golden leaves embedded in Jewish texts,
rich and exclusive ornements on parchment
in relation to ancient tradition.
megillahs, ketubot, presents for donators
Certificates of appreciation etc.
"... In conclusion, the entirety of Ms. Shuli Ratzon's work in the field of illustrating Hebrew manuscripts presents to the viewer a mature artist with a deep awareness of the values that accompany her work ...
Each manuscript is an endearing, pleasing Judaica item
which gives the user an aesthetic and spiritual experience "